This blog covers how to choose between a new Lely Astronaut A5 robotic milking system and...
This Lely Life Blog covers the importance of proper cleaning and sanitation to the...
A dairy farm started with a used Lely milking robot and became one of the top producing...
Dairy, Dairy Farm, family farm, Farm Life, farm life, Farmer, Farmers, heat detection, Lely Astronaut, automatic milking system, Automated Milking, Future of Dairy, startup, Barn Design, Lely Astronaut A5
For Brad Putz, part owner of Putz Dairy near New Vienna, Iowa, growing up was a tale of...
Dairy, Dairy Farm, family farm, Farm Life, farm life, Farmer, Farmers, heat detection, Lely Astronaut, automatic milking system, Automated Milking, Future of Dairy, startup, Barn Design, Lely Astronaut A5
After making the switch to Lely dairy robots, Point Reyes Farmstead in California were...
Dairy, Dairy Farm, family farm, Farm Life, farm life, Farmer, Farmers, heat detection, Lely Astronaut, automatic milking system, Automated Milking, Future of Dairy, startup, Barn Design, Lely Astronaut A5
From ten cows in 1914 to 2,800 in 2022, Fiscalini and his family have stewarded their...
Agriculture, Barn Layout, Cow, CowManagement, Dairy, Dairy Farm, Lely, Lely Astronaut, Automated Milking, Barn Design, Lely Astronaut A5
The dairy farm Kate Steensma runs with her family installed Lely Astronaut A5 robotic...
Dairy, Dairy Farm, family farm, Farm Life, farm life, Farmer, Farmers, heat detection, Lely Astronaut, automatic milking system, Automated Milking, Future of Dairy, startup, Barn Design, Lely Astronaut A5
David Rottinghaus, owner/operator of Rottinghaus Holstein Farm, made the move to Lely...
Dairy, Dairy Farm, family farm, Farm Life, farm life, Farmer, Farmers, heat detection, Lely Astronaut, automatic milking system, Automated Milking, Future of Dairy, startup, Barn Design, Lely Astronaut A5
The Schellings worked with Gorter’s Clay and Dairy of Minnesota, Inc., to install four...
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