If you live in the Wellington County-area and are interested in learning more about...
Dustin Takes of Takes Dairy Farm won The Way to Dairy Award. He can choose from a new...
Lely North America is proud to announce that Kasey Hudson and Emily den Haan of have been...
Apply for the The Way To Dairy Award for a chance at your choice of a Lely Astronaut A5...
Automatic Calf Feeder, Automatic Feed Pusher, Automatic Feeding System, Dairy Farm, Farm Life, Farmers, Lely Vector
Lely Vector users save 300 hours of labor per year with the automatic feeding system that...
Automatic Calf Feeder, Automatic Feed Pusher, Automatic Feeding System, Lely Astronaut, Lely T4C, Lely Vector, T4C InHerd, Smart Feeding
With the Lely T4C management system tied to the Vector and Astronaunt, farmers can feed...
Automatic Calf Feeder, Automatic Feed Pusher, Automatic Feeding System, Dairy Farm, Farmers, Lely Vector, Live Life Lely
The Lely Vector keeps cows fed by scanning the feed height at each group and making...
Automatic Calf Feeder, Automatic Feed Pusher, Automatic Feeding System, Lely T4C, Lely Vector, T4C InHerd, Smart Feeding
The latest version of the Lely T4C management system provides reports that offer more...
The Lely Vector automatic feeding system can help lower feed and labor costs plus...
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