Agriculture, American farm family, Automatic Feeding System, Dairy Farm, Farm Management, Feed intake, Feed Pusher, Feeding, Labor, Lely Vector, Testimonial, Smart Feeding
Generation family dairy farm saves labor and improves feed efficiency by switching to the...
Automatic Calf Feeder, Automatic Feed Pusher, Automatic Feeding System, Lely Astronaut, Lely T4C, Lely Vector, T4C InHerd, Smart Feeding
With the Lely T4C management system tied to the Vector and Astronaunt, farmers can feed...
Automatic Calf Feeder, Automatic Feed Pusher, Automatic Feeding System, Lely T4C, Lely Vector, T4C InHerd, Smart Feeding
The latest version of the Lely T4C management system provides reports that offer more...
The Pasture Dairy Center, which integrates Lely automatic milking technology and...
Automatic Calf Feeder, Automatic Feed Pusher, Automatic Feeding System, Juno, Lely Juno, Live Life Lely, Smart Feeding
Duane Alberts and Ken Dykstra win Lely Juno automatic feed pushers
Heat stress in cattle is brought on by a combination of high temperature and high...
It is important to do a thorough check of your herd's feed, feed intake and digestion on...
The shift from conventional to automatic milking systems is one of the biggest decisions...
Automatic Calf Feeder, Automatic Feed Pusher, Automatic Feeding System, Lely Team, Lely Vector, Smart Feeding
Thane Silliker ensures Lely dealers have the technical know-how to spec out, sell and...
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