Automatic Calf Feeder, Automatic Feed Pusher, Automatic Feeding System, Barn Cleaning, Juno, Lely Juno, Technology, Lely Discovery 120 Collector
The Lely Control app enables farmers to operate the Lely Juno automatic feed pusher and...
Automatic Calf Feeder, Automatic Feed Pusher, Automatic Feeding System, Lely Team, Lely Vector, Smart Feeding
Thane Silliker ensures Lely dealers have the technical know-how to spec out, sell and...
Automatic Calf Feeder, Automatic Feed Pusher, Automatic Feeding System, Juno, Lely Juno, Live Life Lely, Smart Feeding
Delvin Halteman won a Lely Juno automatic feed pusher in the Lely “Did Juno” contest.
Automatic Calf Feeder, Automatic Feed Pusher, Automatic Feeding System, Juno, Lely Juno, Live Life Lely
Peter Sturkenboom won a Lely 100 Juno automatic feed pusher in the Lely 'Did Juno'...
The Doornenbal family has a new dairy that features three Lely Astronaut robotic milking...
Lely Vector automatic feeding system allows for 24/7 fresh feed and it is brought to the...
Star Tribune writer Tom Meersman takes a look at dairies that use automated feeders to...
Dairy cows spend four to five hours per day eating and only 20 to 30 minutes per day...
Your feed pusher system can help improve feed efficiency and milk production when you use...
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